Hi! I’m Gillian and I created this site back in 2018 as a creative outlet to document my attempts toward uncomplicating my spaces, and life.

It all started back in 2015 when I became so overwhelmed and frustrated with taking care of all of the stuff that we owned that it began to bleed over into other aspects of our lives.

This was the beginning of a massive decluttering phase where we removed about half of our belongings. The almost immediate result was more time and patience for the the important things!

After clearing things out of our house, I started to clear things from our schedule so that we were no longer running from one activity to the next, again leaving more time for the important things.

With all of the extra taken away (stuff and unnecessary commitments), I found myself with the time to focus on things that were fun. One of those things was curating my wardrobe and discovering my personal style.

Decluttering my wardrobe was one of the hardest decluttering projects for me.

I was a shopaholic for most of my life and clothes were my weakness. I could spend hours at the mall and would plan our vacations around shopping. I even remember getting into an argument with my husband on our honeymoon over my desire to shop instead of enjoy the beautiful scenery around us (we were fortunate enough to travel to Greece and we were in Santorini at the time of the argument, so I definitely think the spat was appropriate).

It was quite a few years after this before I was able to admit to myself that I had a problem.

And I still struggle to not slip back into old shopping patterns, but I keep this post bookmarked to keep me on track. And while letting go of clothing is still hard for me, I keep my goal of having a minimalist wardrobe at the forefront of my mind and every declutter brings me so much closer!

My attempts at minimalism and closet curation eventually led me down the slow fashion path where I was able to rediscover my love of vintage and secondhand clothing. And in the spring of 2020, while spending so much time at home, I started to make my own clothes (you can see the first thing I made here). I really enjoy being able to make clothing with my own hands. And it has given me a deeper appreciation for garment workers.

Nowadays my interests are veering more towards simple living. More cooking at home, more time spent outside doing fun things with my family, more time reading and learning new things, and more time away from my phone, with social media breaks when needed.

I hope you like what you see here and that you come back to visit! And if you ever want to say hi or to chat about your struggles in uncomplicating your life, please shoot me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

x Gillian