5 Easy Earth Day Tips for Today and Everyday - Uncomplicated Spaces

First and foremost, Happy Earth Day! In honor of this important day, I thought I’d throw together a few zero waste tips that we can use today and everyday to help keep the planet healthy.

Now, I am no leading expert in zero waste…I wouldn’t even get an honorable mention, but I do try to reduce the amount of waste that my family produces where I can. I give all of the credit to Bea Johnson and her book “Zero Waste Home” for opening my eyes to all of the areas where we can reduce waste.

So, here are my 5 easy zero waste tips to reduce waste in the home, and to keep the planet clean. Enjoy!

Tip 1 – Replace disposable kitchen tools with reusable ones

A flatly image of zero waste option such as a linen napkin, a bamboo dish cleaning brush, stainless steels straws, straw cleaning brushes standing in a glass next to part of a spider plant.

Use linen napkins instead of paper towels. Keep a jar of old rags or a tea towel handy to wipe up spills (we have cut up old t-shirts to use as rags).

Use a bamboo dish cleaning brush instead of a disposable sponge. You can sanitize the brush by soaking it in boiling water from time to time. It’s better for the planet and its prettier too!

If you like to use straws, replace disposable ones with stainless steel reusable ones. You can also take them with you when you eat out at restaurants, or simply refuse a straw.

Tip 2 – Use reusable drinking containers

A flatly image of a zero waste glass travel coffee cup, a stainless steel water bottle and part of a spider plant.

A reusable water bottle, like this one from Kleen Kanteen, is better for the planet and your wallet. By taking one with you, you can avoid plastic bottles and cups and also save the money that you would spent on bottled water.

Also, a reusable coffee cup, like this Keep Cup, helps to keep coffee cups out of the landfill, and may also get you a discount at a coffee shop.

Tip 3 – Trade in your Keurig machine for a pour over coffee maker

A sideview image of a zero waste glass pour over coffee machine and part os a spider plant.

When we moved into our first home almost a decade ago, one of our first “grown-up” purchases was a Keurig machine. I was pretty new to coffee drinking and this fit the bill just fine. I eventually learned that there was a reusable cup attachment for the machine and I did switch to it, but I can’t say that I was religious in using it.

Once I started getting rid of things in my home, the bulky old Keurig had to go. I replaced it with this glass pour over coffee maker. I enjoy it, and the coffee, so much more. And coffee filters are compostable!

Tip 4 – Update your bathroom products

A sideview image of a zero waste stainless steel safety razor and a glass bottle of rose facial oil and part of a spider plant.

This is definitely one area where I can improve on! One easy change that I have implemented is the use of a safety razor. I have been using this one for about 3 years now and I actually like it more than I ever liked disposable razors. And I love that I’m not spending a ton of razors anymore.

Switch to products in glass containers whenever possible or use products with minimal paper packaging such as shampoo and conditioner bars. This is something I hope to explore in the future.

Tip 5 – Carry a reusable shopping bag (or two or three…you get the picture) so that you can stop using single use plastic bags

A flatly image of a zero waste compact shopping bag, a linen shopping tote and part of a spider plant.

I like to keep a compact shopping bag in, or clipped onto, my bag to ensure that I always have one on me. I also like to keep this reusable linen bag an item of clothing came in.

I use these to carry groceries and/or other purchases that I make. We’ve been doing this for so long that my kids will routinely let a cashier know that we don’t need a plastic bag because we brought our own :).

So there you have it! 5 easy tips that can be incorporated to help reduce your waste and lessen the stress on the planet. Now it’s your turn…what tips do you have for reducing waste and helping the planet?

Until next time,

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An image of a blue sky and a partial flowering tree with a text overlay that reads "5 easy zero waste tips for today and Every day".

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. The Career Edit

    Thank you for sharing these tips! Incorporating small and easy tips and realising that we can all take steps (even if small) to reduce the amount of waste we create is a great way to start. I usually carry a reusable shopping bag or resort to paper bags – luckily, supermarkets in Germany do not offer/sell plastic bags anymore – but I know I have to improve in the other areas.

    1. Gillian

      I agree!! Even one change, done my many, makes a huge impact! That’s so nice that Germany doesn’t allow plastic bags anymore. I wish the rest of the world did this as well.

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