I’ve been decluttering all wrong.

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In times of overwhelm, I declutter. There’s something about having control over the things I own, and how much of it, that brings me a sense of calm. Sometimes, I feel like my personal space is the only thing I can control and decluttering gives me that. My childhood home routinely felt contentious. I grew up with an alcoholic father and "walking on eggshells" was a part of my day. Naturally, I developed some…

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3 Great Reasons Why You Should Become a Minimalist

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As I sat down at my computer and looked around, I made note of the clear countertops, the lack of visual clutter on the floor and the general feeling of calmness that washed over me. And I thought "I finally did it. I finally reached my perfect level of stuff as a minimalist." That thought inspired me to write this post. I want everyone to feel calm and at peace in their home. And…

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Declutter Your Closet: 8 Helpful Questions to Ask Yourself

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Is one of your goals for 2022 to declutter your closet? It was definitely one of mine. I was so excited to do it that I actually did it a month early, in December! I've had a lot of closet declutters since 2015 when I first discovered minimalism. As a former shopaholic, I had A LOT of clothes. But since then, I've had this ultimate goal to have a minimalist year round wardrobe. At…

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6 Popular Household Items I Don’t Buy As a Minimalist

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As a minimalist, there are a lot of things that I don't buy. These are the things that don't bring any value to my life. I used to buy all of these items at one point or other, but anything besides basic needs has since been decluttered. None of this is to say that if you buy these items, you can't be a minimalist. Minimalism will look different for everyone. The main goal is…

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3 Easy Steps to Declutter Handbags and Organize Them

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I've been feeling overwhelmed by stuff lately. Maybe it's because I've been confined to my house for most of the year and I need to change it up. Or maybe it's because I've let my guard down over the past few years and stuff has slowly crept in. Whatever the reason, I feel like it's time to declutter. But I want to start with a smaller, easy project. My first task: declutter handbags. I…

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A Sustainable (and Budget-Friendly) Home Decor Refresh

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I'm not somebody who normally updates home decor. Actually, I kind of hate the idea and think that it's wasteful, especially seasonal decor. Save for some very old Christmas decorations and a few homemade Halloween decorations, you will never see autumnal decorations, or Easter decorations, or Valentines Day decorations gracing my porch or taking up residence in my house. But if that's something that floats your boat, you should totally do you. Just, please,…

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Reimagining a space – a minimalist living room

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If you read my previous post, you know that I am doing a no buy challenge through an Instagram group. As such, I am not buying any new clothes for the next 3 months. This reduced focus on my wardrobe means that I will have more time to focus on our home and getting the spaces to feel "right". This has been/will be done by better utilizing the spaces through minor upgrades and by…

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A Minimalist Christmas with Kids

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Where I grew up, Christmas was on steroids. A lot of people focused solely on the act of giving the biggest, and best, assortment of presents. Whether they could afford it or not. The Joneses were, and probably still are, alive and well. But I don't think that is atypical of Christmases nowadays. According to a Gallup poll: "33% of Americans plan to spend at least $1,000 on Christmas gifts, 22% say they will…

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7 simple steps to a minimalist lifestyle

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Minimalism is for anyone who wishes to pursue it. Ridding yourself of the things in your life that are not important, or that distract you from your priorities, will free up the time and energy to focus on the things that are most important to you. There are a few things that you can do right now to start living a more minimalist life. One Think about why a minimalist lifestyle appeals to you. Are…

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6 Common Excuses Not to Declutter

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Deciding to declutter is the first step to a simpler life. But decluttering is not an easy task. A lot of the times, it is an emotionally draining and unpleasant experience. However, its benefits far outweighs the actual act itself. Picture, if you will, the following scenarios: Scenario 1 You can't find your keys. And you need to be somewhere in 20 minutes. It'll take you 15 minutes just to get there. So now…

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Minimalism in a big house.

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Can you be a minimalist if you live in a big house? But first, what is minimalism? Minimalism has been historically used in reference to music and art. More recently, it has gained popularity as a way of living with less...less material possessions, less commitments, less of the things that cause us stress. It’s a movement of removing things from our lives that are distracting us from the things that we truly enjoy. It…

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