A photo taken from above of a small brown miniature schnauzer. She is looking up at the camera. The ground around her is covered in snow .A pair of tan hiking boots with red laces and the bottom of a black coat are visible at the bottom of the photo.

A few years ago, I decided that I would no longer make resolutions for the new year. I had made them for as long as I can remember. Read more, exercise more, study more, drink less, quit shopping. And inevitably, I’d fail at them and then feel like crap about it. But a few years ago, I decided to try a different practice that felt gentler and more in line with self-care than a resolution, which always felt more like a punishment.

I started choosing a word that would guide me through the year.

In 2019, it was “focus”. In 2020, my word was “habits”. I didn’t choose a word for 2021, but if I had to pick one that exemplified the year, it would be “survive”.

This year, I have chosen “imperfect” as my word for the year.

One of the things that holds me back so much in my life is my need to be a perfectionist. I don’t like to present anything until I feel like it’s perfect. Which is ridiculous and harmful. Nobody is perfect. Nobody’s life is perfect. And I’m no different. I’m trying to keep telling myself that there’s beauty in the imperfect and I need to let go of the fear of imperfection.

I want to take risks.

I want to try things that I’ve been too afraid to try. And I want to show up for people, in real life and online, in a way that lets them in and also supports them in their journey.

Along with a word to guide me, I set goals for the year. I consider any progress that I make towards my goals to be a success. I don’t have a set end goal for any of the items I choose.

My Goals for 2022

This year, my goals center around simplifying my life further and showing up for people more, even if I have to step outside of my comfort level a bit.

1. I will be accepting that my wardrobe will never be perfect.

So I’m going to stop striving for that. I’m going to enjoy the things that I already own, adding a few things that I notice I need and sewing a few pieces for the joy of it. I have a goal to do a low buy year, which I discussed more here. And finally accepting that a perfect wardrobe is unattainable will help me with this goal!

2. I’ll be simplifying what we eat.

We have been moving further away from eating meat over the past year. I want to continue to move in this direction, knowing that we won’t be perfect about it but striving to be better each day.

3. I will be simplifying our belongings.

Not to be the perfect minimalists but to not have excess. I want a cozy, clutter free home. Some people might argue that those words can’t exist together but I don’t think that’s true. Not all possessions are clutter if they are useful.

As an example, I have 4 cushions in our window seat…this seems like a lot but it also means we can stack one on top of the other and sit back comfortably. However, I don’t have any on our beds.

I have a tray that holds a candle on my coffee table…the ambiance that it creates as the day goes from light to dark is one of life’s simple pleasures. But I don’t have anything on our kitchen table. There’s always a balance.

4. I will be adventuring outside more.

I have never liked the extremes of the summer and winter season where I live. As I write this, it is 18F (-8C) which is not too bad. And because of this, I don’t show up for my kids like I want to.

They love for us to go out and play with them in the snow, to go sledding on our hill. But I don’t do this because I don’t want to be out in the cold. I haven’t even owned real snow pants in years. Even when they were little, I would get by with short trips where wind pants were sufficient or I’d send their dad out with them.

Well, a few days ago, I ordered a pair of snow pants, making that my first purchase in my low buy year. But I think it’ll be a purchase that is well worth that #1 spot. Similarly, I will be purchasing a rashguard this summer and spending time in the water with my kids.

I’m not sure what 2022 will look life, but perfect is not going to be it. And I’m feeling really OK with that.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, where I share additional tips for living a simple, uncomplicated life.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Anda

    I just wanted to say – snow pants are the best. I have never owned them, but this season I got a pair, and they have totally changed my attitude toward cold and snowy outings with kids.

    1. Gillian

      That’s amazing! I’m so happy you’ve had that shift in mindset. I’m still waiting for mine as they were on backorder and that got extended! I think I’m going to have to cancel them and get another pair before winter is over 😉

  2. Alyssa | wayward

    I love “imperfect” for a guiding word! Perfect really is the enemy of the good – and sometimes “good enough” is truly good enough.

    1. Gillian

      Thank you!! And I think you’re spot on! I think perfection is an unattainable goal. I think there’s more peace in accepting things as “good enough”.

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