I totally blew my shopping ban

  • Post category:Life

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." Henry Ford I failed my 3 month shopping ban. There, I said it. Finally. I've been trying to avoid writing this post. And it's taken me 21 days to actually work up the courage. But I knew that it had to be done. If your remember from this post, I set out to complete a 3 month shopping ban, as well as…

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A Guide to Secondhand Style – Online Shops

Shopping secondhand is a great way to participate in slow fashion without spending a lot of money. In a previous post, I talked about shopping secondhand at the local level. You can check that out here. But what if you don't have access to secondhand clothing stores in your town? Or maybe you don't like shopping in person. There are also some great options for secondhand shopping online. How I use Online Resources to…

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Summer 10X10 Challenge – The Experience

I can now check another 10x10 challenge off the list. Today marks the 10th day of the Summer 10X10 Challenge in which I selected 10 pieces of clothing to wear in 10 different outfits over 10 days. I talked more in depth about the premise behind the challenge in this post, where I also outlined my plans for the challenge. The challenge was (mostly) successful, but it wasn't without it's challenges (to be expected,…

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A Guide to Secondhand Style – Local Shops

One of the ways that I like to shop "slowly" is by acquiring the pieces that I need through local secondhand retailers. If I had to guess, I would say that 25% of the clothing presently in my closet has been acquired this way. In my most recent clothing challenge, the Summer 10x10 Challenge, 2/10 items were secondhand, or 20%. The clothing challenge that I was participating in prior to that, the Project 333…

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Packing for a weekend getaway

I used to be an infamous over-packer. When I was packing for a trip, I would always pack way more than I needed, usually double the amount that I needed. I remember packing for a 2 week trip back in 2005 and I had an extra large red suitcase, the biggest one that you could buy, that I stuffed! The weight scale used to be my best friend when I was packing to go…

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Project 333, Week 1 Experience
The clothing I wore during Week 1 of my Project 333 Challenge

Project 333 Challenge: The Outfits + Takeaways

I was motivated to start the Project 333 challenge because of my recent over spending on clothing. It was making me feel like I was slipping back into my old ways. The ways where I spent far too much money on clothing and stuff. And because I had recently completed a 10 day clothing challenge, I was interested in doing a longer challenge. Both of these things led me to Project 333. I'm currently…

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Simple Selections – Zero-waste, saving money, phone etiquette and the Joneses

  • Post category:Life

There are a lot of wonderful people out there who write about living with intentionality. One of my favorite ways to get inspiration to live intentionally in my own life is to read articles about simple living that I come across online. What follows are the articles that really stood out to me this week - articles about zero-waste, frugality, phone addiction and the Joneses. So grab yourself a nice, warm cup of coffee…

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Why I’m starting a shopping ban right now

  • Post category:Life

Before I had even hit publish on my Project 333 post, I had started shopping for just one more thing to fill my capsule wardrobe. Not from my closet which would have been the logical place, but online, in all of those wonderful slow fashion shops that I had spoke of in my capsule wardrobe post. This led me down a rabbit hole of online and consignment shops which ended up with me owning…

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Simple Selections – Clothes, Minimalism and Packing

  • Post category:Life

Hi friends! There are a lot of wonderful people out there who write about living with intentionality, in some form or other. One of my favorite ways to get inspiration to live intentionally in my own life is to read articles about simple living that I come across online. What follows are the articles that really stood out to me this week. So grab yourself a nice, warm cup of coffee or tea and…

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