7 simple steps to a minimalist lifestyle

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Minimalism is for anyone who wishes to pursue it. Ridding yourself of the things in your life that are not important, or that distract you from your priorities, will free up the time and energy to focus on the things that are most important to you. There are a few things that you can do right now to start living a more minimalist life. One Think about why a minimalist lifestyle appeals to you. Are…

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Simple Selections – Best of the Week

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Welcome to the best of the week, where I highlight articles that I found on the web geared towards simplifying our daily lives. So make yourself a warm cup of coffee or tea and enjoy. Simple Quote "Lead a simple life. First reduce your greeds. Then reduce your needs." - Ritu Ghatourey This quotes hits home for me. Before trying to simplify my life, I was very greedy. I was the ultimate consumer...the stuff of…

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6 Common Excuses Not to Declutter

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Deciding to declutter is the first step to a simpler life. But decluttering is not an easy task. A lot of the times, it is an emotionally draining and unpleasant experience. However, its benefits far outweighs the actual act itself. Picture, if you will, the following scenarios: Scenario 1 You can't find your keys. And you need to be somewhere in 20 minutes. It'll take you 15 minutes just to get there. So now…

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Simple Selections – Best of the Week

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Welcome to the best of the week, where I highlight articles that I found on the web geared towards simplifying our daily lives. So make yourself a warm cup of coffee or tea and enjoy. Simple Quote "It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." - Charles Spurgeon At a time in history when we are under constant pressure to have more and to do more, a…

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Minimalism in a big house.

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Can you be a minimalist if you live in a big house? But first, what is minimalism? Minimalism has been historically used in reference to music and art. More recently, it has gained popularity as a way of living with less...less material possessions, less commitments, less of the things that cause us stress. It’s a movement of removing things from our lives that are distracting us from the things that we truly enjoy. It…

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Simple Selections – Best of the Week

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Welcome to the best of the week, where I highlight articles that I found on the web geared towards simplifying our daily lives. So make yourself a warm cup of coffee or tea and enjoy. Simple Quote "In the household in which I was raised, the themes were pretty simple. 'Work hard. Don't quit. Be appreciative, be thankful, be grateful, be respectful. Also, never whine, never complain. And always, for crying out loud, keep…

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My First Capsule Wardrobe Challenge Experience

I've never done a wardrobe challenge before. Although I have gotten rid of a lot of clothing over the past few years, I am intrigued by the idea of a capsule wardrobe, with a few pieces that I absolutely love, instead of a bunch of clothing that I feel ambivalent towards. It seems like a natural progression on my journey to live a more intentional life with less stuff. The 10x10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge…

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Simple Selections – Best of the Week

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Welcome to the best of the week, where I highlight articles that I found on the web geared towards simplifying our daily lives. So make yourself a warm cup of coffee or tea and enjoy. Simple Quote "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." - Hans Hofmann How often does our stuff distract us from the important things in our life? How often does cleaning the house take…

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A Simple Question to Help Declutter Your Home

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Are you staring your minimalism journey? Are you wondering how to declutter your home and remove the items that don't add value to your life? Where do you start? Maybe you've been minimizing for a while but you'd like to get rid of a few more things. But how? Hopefully I can help you out today! As I mentioned in my 7 things that minimalism has taught me post, minimizing your possessions and commitments…

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