The little things. - Uncomplicated Spaces

A new series highlighting the little things. The things we often overlook but the things that mean so very much at the end of the day.


Hugging my mom at the airport after being apart for 10 months.

Watching my children hug my mom as they can barely contain their excitement that she’s finally here.

The fact that my mom is healthy and can travel to a different country to visit us.

The delicious cinnamon bun made by her hands that have made a thousand cinnamon buns before this one.

The darned knee of a pair of pants that a little girl loves, by those same hands.

A loving sitter for our kids for a night away to see our favorite band.

A game of skip-bo on a slow Sunday afternoon, something we haven’t done in a very long time.

Books read with “nanny” before bed and unlimited snuggles.

A birthday celebration for a woman who means so very much to us.


Happy birthday to the woman I model being a mother after. A woman with unlimited patience and love for everyone she meets. We love you, mom ❤️


What are some of the little things in your life lately?