An Ode to a Very Special Vintage Dress

Last week, I wrote about our summer vacation to Breckenridge, CO. And, today, I wanted to show you the souvenir that I bought on my trip. A very special vintage dress. Not too long ago (a little over 5 years), I used to buy so much stuff whenever we went on vacation. Every vacation basically just turned into a shopping trip for me. I would plan our itinerary around whatever malls I could visit.…

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Sewing my Wardrobe: Pomona Shorts

It only seems fitting that I should find my sewing mojo and blogging mojo at the same time. I guess they're both creative endeavors, and creativity has been severely lacking this summer. But I won't bore you with the details...there hasn't been anything that exciting going on...I was just feeling pretty burnt out, something I'm sure lots of you can relate to. But I'm hoping most of that is behind me for now, at…

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How to Wear Wide Leg Pants 2021

I guess you've heard by now that skinny pants are out and wide leg pants are in?!? Well, I'm here to tell you to wear whatever you want and to ignore silly trends and rules about what you should wear. But... In case you were interested in adding some wide leg pants to your wardrobe, I've got a few ideas about how to style them. Since the cornerstone of a sustainable wardrobe is finding…

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5 Casual Outfits with a Colorful Capsule Wardrobe #3

Compared to last week's colorful outfits, this week's casual outfits are very neutral. I feel like I relied more on print and accessories this week to make each outfit a little more interesting. It was nice to revisit some of my accessories that I've been neglecting. As with pretty much every other week, I didn't really wear these outfits anywhere. I ran a couple of errands...Target drive up, the post office and the donut…

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How I style my Spring Capsule Wardrobe #1

The first week of dressing from my spring capsule wardrobe is over and I thought I'd share the outfits that I made out of the 30 items. The weather was pretty gloomy and chilly this week so I definitely got some good use out of my sweaters. I really love dressing during the transitional seasons. I like being able to layer without having to bundle up in a big coat, scarf, gloves and hat!…

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What’s in my Colorful Spring Capsule Wardrobe?

I spent last week putting my spring capsule wardrobe together and now it's ready for it's big reveal. Using the steps outlined in this post, I ended up with 30 items, which is pretty consistent with past capsules. Preparing this capsule was a little different as I was only pulling from the items that I already owned. In the past, I had usually shopped in preparation for the new season but as I'm in…

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How to Transition a Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe

It's the last few days of winter which means that it's the last few days of my winter seasonal capsule wardrobe. It also means that I've spent this past few days transitioning my capsule wardrobe to spring. Since I've had a few questions asking me how I do this, I thought it would be useful to write it all out, in case anyone else is struggling with the transition. Since I'm not buying and…

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The Best 10 Winter Capsule Wardrobe Outfits

Things have been a little quiet over here. February is always a hard month for me because it gets so cold here. Like bitterly cold. I always struggle with motivation and creativity but throw in a pandemic and kids that are online schooling and it's a whole new ballgame. I'm really happy that I put together a winter capsule wardrobe as it reduced the amount of decisions that I had to make when it…

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My Basic (but Fun) Winter Capsule Wardrobe

It's been a while since I've done a proper capsule wardrobe. And I miss it. I miss the structure. I miss the focus. I miss the ease. Not to be all philosophical but I have felt like a ship untethered to the shore for the past 6 months, in more ways than one. But especially in terms of my wardrobe. I have been venturing away from my "personal style" to try new things. While…

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10 Outfits with a 5 Item Mini Capsule Wardrobe

If you read this previous "Capsule by 5" post, or you follow me on instagram, then you know that I came up with a mini capsule wardrobe challenge a while back. It's called the "Capsule by 5" or #capsulex5 challenge and the premise is to take 5 clothing items and to create as many outfits as possible with them. I am writing this post in the hopes that you will feel inspired to grab…

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Mini Capsule Wardrobe – “Capsule by 5”

I hope you are well. I hope you are safe. Sometimes it feels strange to talk about clothes like there's not some huge pandemic going on. Sometimes I'm not sure what to say. But then I think about all of the bad news that filters in each and every day and I hope that I can counterbalance that with something a little more light. And maybe something that I write about will inspire you…

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A cozy capsule wardrobe for spring

Hi. I hope that you are okay and that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Because of COVID-19, things certainly look, and feel, very different than they did last spring. We are currently on day 22 of social distancing, and the end of the period is unclear. I am very thankful that I am with my family and that we have everything that we need right now, even if our toilet…

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